Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate courses, University of Toronto, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008

I was a teaching assistant for a variety of courses at the University of Toronto, including:

AST101 - The Sun and its Neighbours

1200+ student breadth requirement choice for non-science majors. Roles include grading, tutorials, planetarium and observing sessions, and online contact (Blackboard discussions and emails).

AST201 - Stars and Galaxies

Similar to AST101, but covering stars, galaxies and cosmology.

AST121 - The Origin and Evolution of the Universe

100-150 student course for science majors on stars, galaxies and cosmology. Mainly grading and tutorials covering assignments and test preparation/handback.

AST251 - Life on Other Worlds

200-250 student course for science majors on the origins of life and astrobiology. Grading of tests and assignments, including an essay on topics including Martian meteorites and the Cambrian explosion.